Tuesday, September 19, 2006

"We will only be out twice a month."

Here in the Grand Lodge of New York Juris- diction, most lodges are opened from September through June while July & August sees them dormant. A few lodges actually are dark during January & February because most of the Brothers are either in Florida or refuse to attempt driving in the snow.

Here in the Onondaga District, things really kick off the week before Labor Day with the Child ID program at the New York State Fair. This is a really big deal and alot of kids are taped each year. Actually, taped is no longer correct. The old system involved videotaping a child's movements & speech and included a data-card. The new system, just implemented, still uses the data-card but now the child is digitally photographed and a more in depth data sheet is filled out and burnt to a CD-ROM. This CD can then be given to law enforcement officials to be uploaded for an "Amber Alert". We had a very successful run, IDing over 3000 kids during the Fair's twelve days.

This past weekend, we had the Onondaga District Apron Presentations. Morning Star Lodge No. 524 presented the District Deputy Grand Master Apron to me while Brothers R.'.W.'. Larry Egnaczyck, Grand Sword Bearer, R.'.W.'. Rev. J. Michael Thesier, Grand Chaplain, R.'.W.'. Richard Gilbert & V.'.W.'. Kevin Parker, Assistant Grand Lecturers received theirs from their respective lodges. The Guest Speaker for the evening was the M.'.W.'. Neal I. Bidnick, Grand Master of Masons for the Grand Lodge of New York. The event was also graced by the presence of Past Grand Masters, M.'.W.'. Bruce Widger and M.'.W.'. Calvin Bond. Great fellowship was had by all. The standing joke for the night was a line that I am sure many a Mason gave to their significant other when considering membership: "We will only be out twice a month."

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