Thursday, January 29, 2009

Livingston Masonic Library

Last Friday, I crawled out of bed at 2:45 AM so I could drive 4.5 hours to New York City to assist other Trustees as well as the Staff of the Chancellor Robert R Livingston Masonic Library with an assessment project for the American Historical Association.

The ability to make the journey was dubious from the get- go: it's January in CNY so bad weather can stop everything in its tracks, my wife & son had the flu so I was worried about leaving them and I never know these days when I am going to wake up with vertigo. The stars aligned and everything worked out. Two Mountain Dew Amps later and I was in Manhattan. The meeting went well and we are moving forward with the project.

Something that many people miss who visit the Library's website is the Artifact Collection, which includes a large number of items that the Library's Curator, Catherine Walter, has photographed and posted.

I hope to make these artifacts a part of my blog by highlighting the new items as they are posted to the site as well as by showing some off from the collection.

Today's piece is "a Grand Master's jewel that was sculpted by Brother Gutzon Borglum, who also made Mount Rushmore."

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