Saturday, January 17, 2009

Missing in Action

A very belated "Happy New Year" to all - I apologize for being away for so long. I came down with a case of vertigo a few weeks before Christmas and I have been fighting it ever since. Hasn't been terribly bad since that first spell but I have been a bit "fuzzy around the edges." I am feeling a bit better these past few days so I hope to begin posting again.

Since my last post the Chancellor Robert R. Livingston Masonic Library held another of its Library Diner Series, this one being entitled "Freemasonry and the Arts". I didn't get a chance to attend but Fellow Blogger, "The Magpie Mason" was there and has some great photos and commentary starting here. Check it out.

I haven't been saying much about the conflict between my Grand Lodge of New York and the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia because, as far as I know, there still hasn't been any sort of resolution. It is a pain but I am trying to respect our Grand Master's Decree and since I am not privy to the discussions, I will not comment.

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